
Places & People

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  • Label: Hynesight
  • Release: October 22, 1993
  • Catalog No: HSD-0001
  • Bubbles

    • Lyrics

      It's a lazy afternoon. The sun is quite hot!
      I think I'll do some work, I think not.
      Grabbed myself a chair, gonna kick back.

      Here it comes. Here it comes. I'm feeling, aaaaaahh, lazy!
      It's a lazy afternoon.
      Bought a little bottle at the local drugstore.
      Ain't no better time to take the cap off my
      Bubbles, my bubbles.

      Radio's playing in the background.
      Just a little breeze to move them around.
      Point my magic wand up to the sky.

      Here it comes./:/ I'm feeling lazy.
      It's a lazy afternoon.
      As I sit here and fly my little circles of soap.
      I may be blowing time, but it ain't no joke
      Blowing bubbles, my bubbles.

      Sometimes I wonder what it's like inside.
      I'd love to have a seat and go for a ride.
      But I'm afraid that my bubble will, "POP!"


  • Places & People

    • Lyrics

      There are places and people,
      I've known all through my life.
      From barrooms to steeples,
      Frequented day and night.

      I think they (*) feed off each other,
      Believing in one another,
      Seeking emotional cover.
      What do you say? /:/

      There are places and people,
      You go to-to fall in love.
      Some end up doing time.
      Others can't get enough.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

      There are places and people,
      You go to-to sing these songs.
      Taking time to listen
      As I play along.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

      (*) Last chorus replace, "they" with "we"

  • To Be Number One

    • Lyrics

      Traveling towns like the wind,
      Passing through again and again;
      A concrete condition.

      Reciting words with rhythm and rhyme,
      Combined with measures of notes and of time,
      Can be troublesome.

      The music plays on his guitar.
      Then he goes to sleep by the morning star.
      Waking, wondering, why he's trying (and trying /:/)
      To be number one.

      Getting across the warmth, and feel is
      Like starving, then eating your next meal.
      Ain't Bob Dylan.

      Playing around with creatively,
      Mixing style to a certain degree,
      Through composition.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

      Living life on his own terms,
      Applying daily what he's learned,
      In auditoriums.

      Measuring the rate of success,
      By applause and playing his best,
      A musician.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

  • They Let Me Out

    • Lyrics

      Long ago they locked me away.
      Playing head games day after day,
      All wrapped up in my jacket of white,
      Forced to hug myself, night after night.

      Dressing up in mothers hand me down clothes.
      I'd do silly things that nobody'd know.
      Using a knife I would sometimes laugh,
      While hacking away /:/3, away at my past.

      They let me out. Now I'm walkin and stalkin the town.
      They let me out. I may be lost. I may be found.
      They let me out; mentally sick but pleasantly shy.
      My name is Norman Bates. I wouldn't hurt a fly.

      Lived in a house on top of a hill
      That used to look down on my little motel.
      I often made some people scream,
      Checking them in and out /:/3, of a horrible dream.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

      The money ran out, that's why I am free
      To wander the streets, aimlessly.
      With frozen smile, I hear people say,
      "Why is he so happy", /:/3, "everyday?"

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

  • Roadside Kills

    • Lyrics

      Driving the road late at night,
      Looking for a place to get a bite.
      Up ahead, I thought a sign said, "Bill's".
      When I looked again it said "Roadside Kills".

      Walked right in, and I sat right down.
      But before I did, I took a look around.
      Mounted on the walls for all to see
      Were the grill works of Ford, Whites, Kenworth, Mac Truck & GMC.

      The waitress came over. She had, "Wooga Booga" hair,
      A black tooth, but a smile so fair.
      Handed me a menu, so I didn't dare leave,
      And this is what she said as I proceeded to read.

      Center line bovine,
      Chicken that didn't cross the road,
      Flat cat, chunk of skunk, pigeon a la mode;
      We got your rack of raccoon, ground round hound, slab of lab,
      Succulent sheep,
      And the special today, if you can guess what it is, it's "All you can eat".

      Well Wooga Booga she asked me, "May I take your order please?"
      I said, "I think I'll just have a cup of coffee", if you know what I mean.
      Then she looked at me hard with those dark brown eyes.
      And I said, "Well, wait a minute honey, I think I'll try an order of those
      Bambi fries."


      Got my "Bambi Fries" and tried to stare 'em down.
      A bottle of Ketchup and six cold beers... Who knows where it was found.
      Got up to pay my check. Not too bad, kinda cheap.
      But this is what runs through my mind, every time I sit down to eat!


      So, if you're driving late at night, and your stomach gives a growl.
      There's a little food for thought, you can think about.

  • Day in the Sun

    • Lyrics

      Girls, break out bikinis.
      Boys, break out the weenies.
      Lookout a cookout,
      Make mine a dry martini.

      A day in the sun, can be fun.
      If you gather up all of your friends from the past.
      A little volleyball, free for all, sleep in the grass
      Can be fun; a day in the sun

      Well there's Susan.
      She's from New Hampshire.
      During the volleyball game,
      She'll run around and try to "pants" ya.


      He brings the catch of the day.
      Smokes it over the fire.
      Says it's the only way.


      Now there's Phil and Danny,
      Spend all their time in court.
      What a sight to see,
      Knobby knee attorneys wearing shorts.


      All of my friends have their own special way.
      Black, white, or uptight, straight or gay.
      Without their help, I wouldn't be here today.
      There's nothing more that I have to say except, fun! /:/3

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

  • L.A.

    • Lyrics

      Bitchin, way way cool.
      Bitchin, let's party dude.
      Bitchin, lookin for girls.
      Gnarly, gnarly, gnarly, gnarly, give it a whirl, hey, hey!

      Cruisin, Hollywood Blvd,
      Got my top down flat. I got a red hot rod.
      Found a lady who knows what I like.
      Ooo, I tell ya this town's outa sight, hey, hey!

      Where I'm gonna be a star someday.
      My picture in papers, and my name up in lights,
      Ooo, I tell ya there's no end in sight, hey, hey!

      My agent, he gave me a ring.
      He said it's time to do that TV thing.
      Leno, Arsenio, Saturday Night Live,
      And we'll go for the cash when Phil and Oprah fight. Hey, hey!


      Now I'm touring, with the boys in the band,
      Playing the country doing one night stands.
      The crowds go crazy when we hit the stage.
      Everybody loves us, we got it made... Hey. hey!


      L.A., L.A., L.A., L.A.,
      Ooo, L.A., I think I'm here to stay.
      Ooo, L.A., where everybody comes to be a star one day. /:/

  • Watching You

    • Lyrics

      Everyday, I sit by my window and
      I watch as the people go by,
      Shufflin their feet to the city beat of
      Corporate, suit and tie.

      Day after day scheming away,
      For money, money, money, prestige.
      Chasing the things they think they want.
      Ain't always what they need.

      And I wonder if they/she/I know just where they're going,
      And why?
      A crazy kind of rhythm like a blood flowing.
      A corporate/emotional/personal do or die.
      Sometimes I get to thinking about the things
      I could be doing.
      After a while I find myself, just watching you.

      She said to me that she is gonna leave me,
      And this is going to be the last time.
      Lookihg at her I kinda/sorta stated that,
      "I hate it when you whine."

      If she leaves I'll lose the material for our
      Comedy night routine.
      Now I'm eating from a bowl the dog used to own.
      I think I washed it. I think it's clean.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

      Somewhere in the distance I hear a voice calling,
      "Excuse me sir. Are you ready?"
      For your 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock, 7,
      Dinner for two at Chez Freddies?

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

  • This is All About

    • Lyrics

      This is all about, living free.
      This is all about, you and me.
      This is all about, the children.
      This is all about, remember when.

      This is all about, right or wrong.
      This is all about, being strong.
      This is all about, here and now.
      This is all about, I don't know how.

      You know we can't go on
      Sticking it to each other,
      Pissin on our brothers, with open arms.
      You know we can't go on
      With this higher way of living,
      By always taking and never giving.
      You know we can't go on.

      This is all about, being fair.
      This is all about, being there.
      This is all about, all our dreams.
      This is all about, self esteem.


      This is all about, wanting to care.
      This is all about, the prejudicial stare.
      This is all about, standing tall.
      This is all about, one and all.

                                                                  (Chorus) /:/

‘Places & People’ was my first CD. It was a culmination of songs based on actual people and events, recorded before the digital era.

The song, ‘Roadside Kills’, was playfully animated in 2005. Check it out, below!